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Ugh! Corona Virus...

Ugh! Corona Virus...

By now, most people should have heard of the new corona virus outbreak that started in Wuhan, China. This new corona virus, now called COVID-19, has been spreading at a...

Ugh! Corona Virus...

By now, most people should have heard of the new corona virus outbreak that started in Wuhan, China. This new corona virus, now called COVID-19, has been spreading at a...

Beans, a Healthy Choice?

Beans, a Healthy Choice?

Turns out that beans are pretty good for your health too. It comes down to the fact that they're a great vegan source for protein and fiber. These two nutrients...

Beans, a Healthy Choice?

Turns out that beans are pretty good for your health too. It comes down to the fact that they're a great vegan source for protein and fiber. These two nutrients...

This Tea is Great for your Heart

This Tea is Great for your Heart

A study that included over 100,000 participants and was conducted over 7 years found that people who drank tea regularly (3 or more cups a week) compared to those who...

This Tea is Great for your Heart

A study that included over 100,000 participants and was conducted over 7 years found that people who drank tea regularly (3 or more cups a week) compared to those who...

Walnuts: A Great Plant-Based Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Walnuts: A Great Plant-Based Source of Omega 3 ...

As the number of vegans and vegetarians grow, it's good to remember that cutting out meat can also mean cutting out essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to...

Walnuts: A Great Plant-Based Source of Omega 3 ...

As the number of vegans and vegetarians grow, it's good to remember that cutting out meat can also mean cutting out essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to...

Organic Foods May Have More Anti-Oxidants Than Non-Organic

Organic Foods May Have More Anti-Oxidants Than ...

This is an older study but it was interesting information nonetheless. The research conducted suggests that organic foods are naturally higher in anti-oxidants than non-organic foods. Tests on different vegetables...

Organic Foods May Have More Anti-Oxidants Than ...

This is an older study but it was interesting information nonetheless. The research conducted suggests that organic foods are naturally higher in anti-oxidants than non-organic foods. Tests on different vegetables...

Save our Ecosystems, Eat Organic

Save our Ecosystems, Eat Organic

According to a study produced in the UK, over 400,000 insects are at risk of extinction due to heavy pesticide use. Insects such as bees and butterflies play significant roles...

Save our Ecosystems, Eat Organic

According to a study produced in the UK, over 400,000 insects are at risk of extinction due to heavy pesticide use. Insects such as bees and butterflies play significant roles...