Focus on the Carb Quality, Not Quantity

Focus on the Carb Quality, Not Quantity

We came across an article about carbohydrates and whether or not they're good for us. It caught our eye because there are so many low-carb diets nowadays and so many more "experts" claiming that carbohydrates are bad. This article seems to refute those claims.
Our bodies use carbohydrates as a first source for fuel. If we don't use all those carbs that we eat, it turns eventually turns into fat. Adding all those pounds can lead to obesity and a long list of other health problems over time. This is pretty much a biological truth. That's why so many people turn to low-carb diets. The reduced carb intake leads to weight loss, and supposedly, overall health improvements. The second part is not so true it seems.
When people follow low-carb diets, they usually rely on meats for calories and energy. While this works for immediate weight loss, it is not sustainable after a 6 month period. Worst of all, relying on meats for energy instead of a balanced diet with carbs has been linked to cancer and early death.
The researchers of this article suggest that a balanced diet is best and to look at your macronutrient intake. It's really about the quality of our carbs not the quantity. Good quality carbs in moderate amounts can lead to weight loss too!
We can get our carbs in three forms: sugars, starches, and fibers. They all serve their own purpose in a healthy diet. For sugars, think candy and soda but also fruits and some vegetables. For starches, think breads and pastas but also root veggies like potatoes and legumes like kidney beans. With that being said, consuming more fibers has been linked to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes. Fruits and veggies are great sources for healthy fiber. And yes, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are a great source of fiber too. They've also been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease.
Here's to your health!
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