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2022's Dirty Dozen + Clean 15

2022's Dirty Dozen + Clean 15

EWG released their 2022 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen report earlier this month. There were a few shifts in ranking for the Dirty Dozen but not much has changed there....

2022's Dirty Dozen + Clean 15

EWG released their 2022 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen report earlier this month. There were a few shifts in ranking for the Dirty Dozen but not much has changed there....

What Can I Drink that's Good for Me?

What Can I Drink that's Good for Me?

We recently debated about drinks that we enjoy and are also good for us. Drinks that we sip daily or occasionally. We started digging around for answers to declare a...

What Can I Drink that's Good for Me?

We recently debated about drinks that we enjoy and are also good for us. Drinks that we sip daily or occasionally. We started digging around for answers to declare a...

Our Foods & Their Water Footprints

Our Foods & Their Water Footprints

If you're reading this, chances are you'll agree that almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and tree nuts, in general, are not only delicious but are also super healthy for you. They're all-natural...

Our Foods & Their Water Footprints

If you're reading this, chances are you'll agree that almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and tree nuts, in general, are not only delicious but are also super healthy for you. They're all-natural...

EPA Bans Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Problems in Children

EPA Bans Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Pro...

In August 2021, the EPA revoked all tolerances of chlorpyrifos, meaning farmers can no longer use chlorpyrifos as a pesticide on the fruits and vegetables they grow. This is because...

EPA Bans Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Pro...

In August 2021, the EPA revoked all tolerances of chlorpyrifos, meaning farmers can no longer use chlorpyrifos as a pesticide on the fruits and vegetables they grow. This is because...

Is Sodium Really that Bad?

Is Sodium Really that Bad?

We hope you're all having a strong start to the new year! We're starting 2022 with an interesting question that's been running through our minds recently. Is sodium really that...

Is Sodium Really that Bad?

We hope you're all having a strong start to the new year! We're starting 2022 with an interesting question that's been running through our minds recently. Is sodium really that...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We wish you all a wonderful New Year filled with joy and love.

Happy New Year!

We wish you all a wonderful New Year filled with joy and love.