EPA Bans Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Problems in Children

EPA Bans Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Problems in Children

In August 2021, the EPA revoked all tolerances of chlorpyrifos, meaning farmers can no longer use chlorpyrifos as a pesticide on the fruits and vegetables they grow. This is because chlorpyrifos has been linked to causing neurodevelopment issues in children. Children who had chlorpyrifos detected in their blood showed more developmental delays than children who didn't have chlorpyrifos in their blood. These children exposed to chlorpyrifos were more likely to have attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorders.

Chlorpyrifos was first introduced in 1965 as an insecticide. It was one of the most commonly used pesticides for crops in 2009 to 2013. It's meant to kill insects and pests that can damage crops, but it also severely harms or even kills different species of birds, fish, and bees. At one point, it was also commercialized as a pest killer for use in homes.

Worse yet, chlorpyrifos is used on nearly 50 different crops. Soybeans, corn, alfalfa, oranges and almonds made the top of the list in terms of pounds of chlorpyrifos applied. Farmers also applied chlorpyrifos to apples, asparagus, walnuts, onions, grapes, broccoli, cherries and cauliflower. This stuff was used everywhere since it was so good at killing a wide range of insects.

We can be exposed to chlorpyrifos by breathing it, touching it, and yes, eating it. Farmers and their children likely suffered the most since they would be around it so much. Chlorpyrifos can travel through the air. And if you didn't buy organic, chances are you were exposed to it as well.

Pesticides are really bad. Researchers are discovering more and more as our technology improves. Still is still much more to learn. In the meantime, stay safe, eat organic, and live happy. =)

Some Extra Reading for the Curious
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